Sunday 22 July 2012

Wedding Tea Towels

Need a novel way to thank people for your wedding gifts? Why not give them a custom wedding tea towel. Not only can you thank them for the lovely gift, you can also remind them of the big day.

Ben & Karen from Original Wedding Tea Towels tell their story of how the idea came to life. 

"In December 2009 Ben and Karen got married. Ben's a designer so was under huge pressure to come up with a cool idea for the invitation. After about 20 failed attempts they finally hit on the idea of doing something people could keep, (after all, why spend all that money on something that people are only going to throw away), so perhaps, oddly, they decided on doing a tea towel.

Eventually, they created the original Whale design and got it to print, then we came to the day of sending them out. Waiting for people's responses was quite terrifying, we were worried it was going to be met with a blanket 'WHY?', but really, it couldn't have been further from the truth. People seemed genuinely blown away by them and the feedback was totally amazing.

Anyway, they got married and when the dust had settled they both thought maybe the idea was good enough to make a little business out of, so that's exactly what they did. They've taken orders all over the UK and sent out loads of samples, OK, they're not the next Microsoft, but as a cottage industry it ticks over nicely."

Whilst you can use the tea towels for the main invitations, I think a lot of people prefer to put their invites up on the fridge or the mantle piece, reminding them of the date. The commemorative thank you tea towels work much better for me, but each to their own!

For information on pricing and designs visit their site here

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