It's been a while since my last post and it's certainly not because there is nothing to blog about. There has been tons of inspiration which has gone unreported by me. Mainly because I have been so busy and not been in one place long enough to put together a post.
The thing that has made a biggest impression on me recently is the title sequence for the new Sherlock Holmes film. The film itself I am not inclined to see. Well, I wasn't before I saw these titles. Created by the Prologue studio, the sequence boasts a brilliant score as well as wonderful graphics, much suited to the Victorian era in which this story is set. It has a great pace and sense of action, helped along by the use of sketch style illustrative conversions of live images and film. The details of the sketches become more complex as time goes on but what I think really makes this an engaging piece is the change in camera angles. The sharp and jaunty changes in view keep it dynamic and exciting. I might just go and see the film after all!
Watch the title sequence
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